Creating Child Labour Free Zones in Budhpura. Real Progress

Anyone who has travelled to India for work or pleasure will be aware of the complex set of challenges the country faces as it strives to drag itself into the modern world, India is developing at break neck speed.  Unsurprisingly though in the country that boasts the world’s largest population, it’s not all progress…….some people are getting left behind.  Some of the workers in stone supply chains are testament to this, especially in remote quarry areas and villages like Budhpura.  The communities in these areas face many challenges and in a country the size of India they are often overlooked and forgotten by the government…..left to their own devices.  Many, of what we consider to be, fundamental rights are not available to these people, or if they are available they are difficult to obtain.  Health care, education and employment opportunities are limited and basic community institutions are often lacking.

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