There are many drivers that force children into work and it is not just about earning money for the family. A big issue in Budhpura is the quality of the education, or lack of it. Classrooms are overcrowded, teachers are poorly trained and teaching and learning materials are absent. This not exactly the best incentive for parents to send their children to school. The kids are better of working, this is the mentality of some parents.
Manjari, recognise this problem more than anyone. For this reason their community resource centre located in the heart of Budhpura, also serves as a library and after-school activity centre for children. It is a place where children can read, borrow books and interact with other kids. The children also visit the library in the evening to read, study or play games. By running the library Manjari motivated children, who were not interested in education, to learn how to read and enrol into formal schools.